Being a Member of ACTRA

Being a member of ACTRA means you are part of the strongest, full-service cultural union in Canada – a union that has negotiated some of the strongest collective agreements for performers in the world.

Being a member of ACTRA means you are a professional and being a professional brings special rights and responsibilities, including:

ACTRA Members’ professional rights include:

  1. the right to a fair wage.
  2. the right to compensation for use of the performer’s image and performance.
  3. the right to safe and acceptable working conditions.
  4. the right to artistic freedom.
  5. the right to maintain control over artistic output.
  6. the right to be treated respectfully as an integral component of the production industry and as a contributing member of the Canadian cultural fabric.

Being a Member of ACTRA means you are committing to respect all the rules outlined in our Constitution and By-Laws. Only ACTRA Members in good standing or otherwise qualified by ACTRA may work in ACTRA’s jurisdiction. Being a Member of ACTRA also guarantees you work for the minimum fee set out in the relevant agreement.

Being a Member of ACTRA also means you will refuse to work non-union. To work non-union not only undermines your union but it means you won’t have access to certain work standards provided by your union, such as minimum rates, and pension and health benefits.

If you’re unsure if a producer is non-union, please refer to ACTRA’s Unfair Engager list and don’t work for any of these producers.

For more information about the benefits of being a Member of ACTRA, please contact your Branch.