About PRS

ACTRA Performers’ Rights Society (PRS) is the division of ACTRA that collects and disburses Use fees/residuals and royalties, which are forms of compensation that performers may be entitled to related to the use their work.

ACTRA PRS makes sure you get the money you’re owed under our collective agreements and copyright legislation, when the production is exploited. Incorporated as a not-for-profit organization in 1983, ACTRA PRS in our last fiscal year alone, 2019/2020, ACTRA PRS distributed over $29.6 million to performers.

We continue to remain true to what you believe in; ACTRA’s collective agreements, staff and systems give ACTRA PRS the strength to collect the money that you are owed.

ACTRA Recording Artists’ Collecting Society (RACS) is the name of ACTRA PRS in the music sound recording industry. The leading sound recording performer collective management organization (CMO) in Canada, ACTRA RACS has been collecting and distributing royalties owed to sound recording artists under the Copyright Act for over 20 years. These royalties relate to sound recordings used in broadcast and public performance in Canada, and around the world in countries with similar rights. We have over 40 agreements with CMO’s in other territories, to facilitate the exchange of royalties across borders. Any performer who has appeared on a sound recording can elect to have us collect and distribute their royalties on their behalf.

We know this part of the business can be complicated, we are here to help and answer your questions. Please contact us at any time!

For film & television inquiries: prs@actra.ca
For music sound recording inquiries: racs@actra.ca