International Relations

ACTRA PRS works with international partners to ensure that ACTRA members and ACTRA RACS assignors receive every cent that is owed to them for the use of their recorded work. The exchange of royalty remuneration between countries is accomplished through reciprocal agreements and strong relationships with trade unions and Collective Management Organizations (CMOs). 

Through leadership positions in FIA (the International Federation of Actors), the leadership and staff of ACTRA and ACTRA PRS have strengthened our international ties and influence. ACTRA and ACTRA PRS have actively lobbied for the Beijing Treaty and its goal to bring moral and economic rights to AV performers around the world. 

Since 2007, ACTRA PRS has been a member of the Societies’ Council for the Collective Management of Performers’ Rights (SCAPR), an association of CMOs from around the world, focused on promoting the exchange of remuneration due to performing artists both internationally and nationally. We take an active role in SCAPR with representation on the Board of Directors and our participation in IPD and VRDB, two global databases used by SCAPR members around the world to facilitate the exchange of royalty revenue between countries. ACTRA and ACTRA PRS work beyond Canada’s borders to ensure the intellectual property rights of our members and assignors are protected, and that all remuneration to which they are entitled ends up in their pockets.

What is IPD?

The International Performer Database houses information and unique identifiers for hundreds of thousands of performers. IPD helps CMOs identify performers by assigning each performer a unique identifier known as an IPN. The IPN is used to ensure that royalty payments from around the world are attributed to the right performer on each recording.

What is VRDB?

VRDB is a database used for identification of both sound recordings and audiovisual recordings. It facilitates the exchange of recording data and play lists among CMOs around the world.