ACTRA National Statement on the Violence in Gaza and Israel

ACTRA condemns in the strongest terms the brutal violence against innocent Israeli and Palestinian civilians and extends our deepest condolences to the families of the victims. 

While this conflict is taking place on the other side of the world, we are saddened to see people from these communities losing their sense of peace and security here at home; as fear, Islamophobia, anti-Semitism, and threats of violence loom. 

We stand with both the Palestinian and Israeli People in the hope that a peaceful solution can be found, which centers humanity and the basic human rights of all, regardless of religion, ethnicity, or nationality. 

To ACTRA members who may be in need of support or counselling at this challenging time, support is available through your AFBS benefits, or through the HAVEN Helpline ( To UBCP/ACTRA members, support resources can be found through Call Time Mental Health (