Off-shore Productions

ACTRA members may be asked by producers to work on productions shooting in part or entirely outside of Canada. Members are advised to check with their local ACTRA branch before accepting engagements on such productions to ensure that the producers are signatory to the ACTRA AGREEMENTS and are offering ACTRA members contracts, terms and conditions in accordance with the ACTRA Agreement (ACTRA AGREEMENTS).

Here are your responsibilities as an ACTRA member under the four most-likely off-shore production scenarios:

1. The producer is signatory to the Independent Production Agreement (IPA) and the production is mainly shooting in Canada with an off-shore location shoot component: The ACTRA member must be offered and sign an ACTRA contract covering the entire engagement.

2. The producer is signatory to the IPA and has a production that is shooting entirely in an off-shore location(s): As a signatory to the IPA, the producer is obligated to engage ACTRA members under the terms and conditions of the IPA for the entire engagement off-shore.

3. The producer is not signatory to the IPA and has a production shooting in Canada with an offshore location shoot component: The producer must become signatory to the IPA and the ACTRA member must be offered and sign an ACTRA contract covering the entire engagement.

4. The producer is not signatory to the IPA and has a production that is shooting entirely in an off-shore location(s): ACTRA members must be engaged on an ACTRA contract except in cases where there is a sister union affiliated with the International Federation of Actors (FIA). In those cases, ACTRA members must be engaged on an ACTRA contract or a contract of the FIA-affiliated union where the engagement is taking place provided that such contract provides fees, terms and conditions at least equal to, or better than, ACTRA’s IPA.

Where there is no union in the location, ACTRA members must work on ACTRA contracts for an ACTRA signatory producer pursuant to Article 404 of the ACTRA Constitution and By-Law #7 of the ACTRA By-Laws.