Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Belonging

Hair and Makeup Discrimination Incident Report

When working on a Production under an ACTRA agreement, Performers have a right to freedom from discrimination and harassment – including but not limited to racial and personal harassment as defined in section A503 of the IPA, A405 in the BCMPA, and 511 in the NCA.

ACTRA Members who have experienced who have witnessed hair and makeup discrimination or harassment are encouraged to use the below form to alert ACTRA as soon as the incident occurs, so that ACTRA can follow up. Witnesses (other ACTRA members, non-union performers, crew, agents, etc) are equally encouraged to use this form to alert ACTRA if they witness an act of hair and makeup discrimination or harassment. If this is an emergency or life-threatening situation, please call 911 and alert the production.


ACTRA members are protected from reprisal. ACTRA will keep names confidential and will not disclose any identifying details without your explicit permission. We keep a record of all complaints. We encourage you to provide your name and contact information so that we can follow up should we require more information to action your report.