President’s Message: Remembrance Day

Hello Members,
Each November 11, we honour those who have sacrificed their lives in service to our nation. Their unwavering dedication and selflessness have left an indelible mark on Canada’s history.
With all that is happening in the world, it is only fitting that we reflect on the sacrifices of our fallen who paved the way to the rights and freedoms we enjoy today.

In this spirit, at the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month, I encourage you to observe Remembrance Day by pausing for a moment of silence and reflection.

In Solidarity and remembrance,
Eleanor Noble

President’s Message: ACTRA Congratulates SAG-AFTRA on Reaching Tentative Agreement

Hello members,

We congratulate SAG-AFTRA for reaching a tentative agreement with the Alliance of Motion Picture and Television Producers (AMPTP) yesterday, after a 118-day long strike.

SAG-AFTRA held their ground at the bargaining table and picket lines to fight for a fair deal since July 14.

We’ve been following SAG-AFTRA’s negotiations closely. Their issues are the same as our issues. Their fight is our fight.

ACTRA remains focused on ending the commercial lock-out by the Institute of Canadian Agencies (ICA). ACTRA appreciates SAG-AFTRA’s ongoing support of our boycott of union-busting brands.

We look forward to learning the details of the tentative agreement.

Eleanor Noble
ACTRA National President

image of a large group of people at a rally , some with their fists raised in solidarity, others smiling and posing at the camera

Happy Labour Day, ACTRA Members!

Black and white graphic that reads: Happy Labour Day, Thank you for a #hotlaboursummer, and the logo ACTRA at the bottom

Dear members, 

This Labour Day will mark the 496th day ACTRA has been shamefully locked out by the Institute of Canadian Advertisers (ICA). Our sibling unions across the border, SAG-AFTRA and the WGA, are on strike. Our industry is at a crucial moment in time. Workers’ rights and the power of collective mobilization is more important than ever. 

Since April 26, 2022, ACTRA members have come together, raising our voices in solidarity with other unions across Canada at rallies and on picket lines, standing as one against corporate greed. 

Labour Day is a time to appreciate and honour the work of those before us, who fought for fair wages and the safe working conditions we have today. And we carry on that fight.  

I encourage you to attend any Labour Day events near you. You may also visit the Canadian Labour Congress (CLC) website for an evolving list of activities across the country.

Union Power – Union Strong, 

Eleanor Noble 

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Summer Update from National President Eleanor Noble

Hello ACTRA members,

What a summer this has been. 

SAG-AFTRA went on strike, taking on the studios just as we were invited back to the NCA bargaining table by the ICA. The good news is that the media interest over the SAG-AFTRA strike has allowed us to shine an even greater spotlight on our lockout. We have done many interviews on all forms of news media outlets (radio, broadcast news, etc.). With each opportunity, we highlighted that ACTRA members have been in a 16-month illegal lockout by the ICA. We will keep doing our due diligence in taking advantage of every platform to get the message out. 

On that note, ACTRA Toronto, UBCP/ACTRA, and ACTRA Montreal are holding an ACTRA Day of Action to protest locked out engagers. ACTRA Toronto and ACTRA Montreal dates are scheduled for Tuesday, August 22 with the UBCP/ACTRA date TBD. Please look out for further details on the time and location. As well, we encourage you to share our social media posts to help rally people to these important events for our commercial sector. Friends and family are welcome to attend in support of ACTRA performers and to end the lockout. 

We continue to stand in solidarity with SAG-AFTRA and the WGA during their strike and are watching negotiations closely. In case you missed it here is the latest update from the Writers Guild of America negotiating committee after returning to the table with AMPTP Friday.

As a sign of our support, we are planning a cross-Canada rally that we hope will take place on Friday, August 25 to show solidarity with the SAG-AFTRA & WGA strikes. Once again, when the details are confirmed, it would be great if you could share them widely on social media. 

We will provide an update on the NCA once we are out of the current blackout. Please visit for the latest updates and FAQs. 

Until then, thank you for your continued support and solidarity. These are interesting times, and we are doing everything necessary, at this critical point of change in the evolution of our industry, to protect ACTRA and its jurisdictions in all ways possible. 

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Emancipation Day

In 2021, the House of Commons voted unanimously to recognize Emancipation Day on August 1 every year, to mark the day in 1834 that Slavery was abolished across the British Empire. 

graphic that reads "August 1st - Emancipation Day" and "Recognizing the abolishment of slavery in the British Empire, and celebrating the perseverance of Black communities in Canada."

August 1st is a day of reflection, education, and a recommitment to solidarity with Black communities across Canada. It marks how the sacrifice, bravery, and unwavering devotion to community broke through to create real change, fueled by the power of people that tirelessly fought for freedom and equity. Although people of African descent made up the majority of enslaved peoples in the 40 years leading up to the abolishment of slavery in Canada, it is important to note that enslaved Indigenous peoples made up two-thirds of enslaved peoples in Canada over the course of about 150 years.

We invite you to learn more about Canada’s history of enslavement and segregation, and its lasting impacts, which are still felt by members of Black and Indigenous communities today. 

Despite the progress that has been made, issues rooted in systemic racism that disproportionately impact the Black community  – such as hair and makeup equity – remind us that there is much work to do. As a union, we know that recognition is simply not enough. We must also understand, unravel, and unlearn systemic barriers that continue to perpetuate anti-Black racism, whether subtle or overt – so that we can take action and make meaningful strides to better represent and advocate for all members. 

There are many ways to celebrate the artistic works of Black creators in honour of Emancipation Day: Exploring ACTRA projects such as The PorterReal Blackity TalkDiggstown, and Revenge of the Black Best Friend on CBC Gem; sharing educational resources, and supporting and amplifying organizations that support Black content creators, such as the Black Screen Office

In solidarity,

Eleanor Noble

ACTRA National President

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National Indigenous Peoples Day

graphic that reads "#NIPD2023" and "National Indigenous Peoples Day" and "June 21"

Tomorrow, June 21, marks National Indigenous Peoples Day – a reminder for all of us to continue engaging in the journey to truth and reconciliation by learning more about Canada’s past to help change the future.

One way to do this is by watching the new limited series, Little Bird on Crave or APTN Lumi, created by ACTRA member Jennifer Podemski and featuring ACTRA members from across the country. The series follows the story of an Indigenous woman who was adopted into a Jewish family during the Sixties Scoop, which was a period during which Indigenous children were abducted and then placed into foster homes before eventually being adopted out by predominantly non-Indigenous families. Today, there are more Indigenous children in custody of the child welfare system than ever before. You can learn more about the Sixties Scoop and how to take action through the Sixties Scoop Network.

In Canada’s reconciliation efforts, it is also important to keep holding the Canadian government accountable for implementing the remaining Calls to Action in the Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s 2015 report and the 231 Calls for Justice in the Reclaiming Power and Place: The Final Report of the National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls 2019 report.

In solidarity,

Eleanor Noble
ACTRA National President

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Pride Month 2023

graphic with rainbow colours and text that reads PRIDE

Today marks the first day of Asian Heritage Month in Canada. Officially recognized by the federal government in May 2002, Asian Heritage Month has been celebrated across the country since the 1990s. I encourage everyone to recognize the many contributions Canadians of Asian heritage have made and continue to make to the cultural, social and economic landscape of our country.

As National Mental Health Week begins across Canada, this is a valuable opportunity to remind each other of the crucial importance of protecting and promoting mental health. Many workers face unacceptable hazards to their mental health in the workplace – especially women, racialized workers, 2SLGBTQIA+ workers, migrant workers and workers with disabilities. Every worker deserves a workplaces that is safe, fair and ensures supports required to be well and feel safe at work.

To support mental health, ACTRA members can reach out anytime to HAVEN Helpline and LifeWorks.  

I encourage everyone to take good care of yourselves and to be there for each other when times are hard.

In solidarity,
Eleanor Noble
ACTRA National President

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President’s Message – Asian Heritage Month & Mental Health Week

Today marks the first day of Asian Heritage Month in Canada. Officially recognized by the federal government in May 2002, Asian Heritage Month has been celebrated across the country since the 1990s. I encourage everyone to recognize the many contributions Canadians of Asian heritage have made and continue to make to the cultural, social and economic landscape of our country.

As National Mental Health Week begins across Canada, this is a valuable opportunity to remind each other of the crucial importance of protecting and promoting mental health. Many workers face unacceptable hazards to their mental health in the workplace – especially women, racialized workers, 2SLGBTQIA+ workers, migrant workers and workers with disabilities. Every worker deserves a workplaces that is safe, fair and ensures supports required to be well and feel safe at work.

To support mental health, ACTRA members can reach out anytime to HAVEN Helpline and LifeWorks.  

I encourage everyone to take good care of yourselves and to be there for each other when times are hard.

In solidarity,
Eleanor Noble
ACTRA National President

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President’s Message – National Day of Mourning

Graphic that reads: Day of Mourning April 28, 2023

Today we mark the National Day of Mourning, when we remember and honour workers who have been killed, injured or suffered illness due to workplace-related hazards and occupational exposures. Please, take a moment today to reflect on the importance of unions and their historic role in protecting workers and labour rights.

ACTRA’s 80-year history has been built on the partnerships we’ve made in the labour movement and our shared goals to protect the rights of all workers. Our solidarity as a union has enabled us to create and enforce some of the best health and safety provisions for performers in the world.

We mourn those who have passed but remain ready to fight for those who remain.

In solidarity,
Eleanor Noble
ACTRA National President

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President’s Message – International Day of Pink

pink graphic that reads "courage" in blue bubble letters along with "intl day of pink April 12"

Today is the International Day of Pink, recognized in Canada and around the world as the day to raise awareness against bullying, discrimination, transphobia and transmisogyny in workplaces, schools and communities.

ACTRA has a long and proud history of fighting for inclusivity and anti-harassment policies at our bargaining tables and workplaces.

I encourage you to visit the official website and to commemorate the International Day of Pink by sharing ACTRA National’s #DayOfPink social posts on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook

In solidarity,
Eleanor Noble
ACTRA National President

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