President’s Message: Remembrance Day

Hello Members,
Each November 11, we honour those who have sacrificed their lives in service to our nation. Their unwavering dedication and selflessness have left an indelible mark on Canada’s history.
With all that is happening in the world, it is only fitting that we reflect on the sacrifices of our fallen who paved the way to the rights and freedoms we enjoy today.

In this spirit, at the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month, I encourage you to observe Remembrance Day by pausing for a moment of silence and reflection.

In Solidarity and remembrance,
Eleanor Noble

President’s Message: ACTRA Congratulates SAG-AFTRA on Reaching Tentative Agreement

Hello members,

We congratulate SAG-AFTRA for reaching a tentative agreement with the Alliance of Motion Picture and Television Producers (AMPTP) yesterday, after a 118-day long strike.

SAG-AFTRA held their ground at the bargaining table and picket lines to fight for a fair deal since July 14.

We’ve been following SAG-AFTRA’s negotiations closely. Their issues are the same as our issues. Their fight is our fight.

ACTRA remains focused on ending the commercial lock-out by the Institute of Canadian Agencies (ICA). ACTRA appreciates SAG-AFTRA’s ongoing support of our boycott of union-busting brands.

We look forward to learning the details of the tentative agreement.

Eleanor Noble
ACTRA National President

image of a large group of people at a rally , some with their fists raised in solidarity, others smiling and posing at the camera


TORONTO (November 8, 2023) – The Alliance of Canadian Cinema, Television and Radio Artists (ACTRA) congratulates SAG-AFTRA for reaching a tentative agreement with the Alliance of Motion Picture and Television Producers (AMPTP) after a 118-day long strike.

“SAG-AFTRA’s collective labour actions have shown the industry that performers will in fact fight in solidarity to get a fair deal for workers,” said Marie Kelly, ACTRA National Executive Director and Lead Negotiator. “We congratulate SAG-AFTRA for tackling issues performers are facing globally.”

SAG-AFTRA members have been on strike against the AMPTP since July 14, 2023. ACTRA members have been locked out from working on commercials by the Institute of Canadian Agencies (ICA) since April 26, 2022. ACTRA and SAG-AFTRA held two joint solidarity rallies in July and August in downtown Toronto to expose the advertising agencies, studios, and streamers for their corporate greed.

“We’ve been following SAG-AFTRA’s negotiations closely. Their issues are the same as our issues. Their fight is our fight,” said Eleanor Noble, ACTRA National President. “We look forward to learning the details of the tentative agreement with the AMPTP.”

ACTRA remains focused on ending the commercial lock-out by the Institute of Canadian Agencies (ICA). ACTRA appreciates SAG-AFTRA’s ongoing support of our boycott of union-busting brands.

About ACTRA:

ACTRA (Alliance of Canadian Cinema, Television and Radio Artists) is the national union of professional performers working in recorded media in Canada. ACTRA represents the interests of over 28,000 members across the country – the foundation of Canada’s highly acclaimed professional performing community.


Carol Taverner, ACTRA National Public Relations Officer:

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AFC Pauses Applications

ACTRA members,

The following is an update sent from AFC to members in their October Newsletter:

October 2023

We’re putting a temporary pause on accepting new applications for our Emergency Financial Aid Program. We’ve received hundreds of applications in the last few months and need to take some time to process them before we accept new applications again.

Since the strikes began in May 2023, we’ve received over 1,500 applications for emergency financial aid – almost triple the number of applications we would normally receive in an entire year! To date, we have funded over 800 applications and have approved $1.7 million in strike assistance.

We have pulled in additional resources to respond to the crisis that has affected thousands of Canadian film workers, and we are proud to have been there to help so many see their way through a dark time.

While the intake of new applications is on pause, we are not stopping or even slowing down our work at all. Our team is working diligently every day to resolve and fund the hundreds of applications that are currently awaiting review.

Rest assured, this is just a temporary pause in applications intake. As we power through reviewing existing applications, we continue offering valuable workshops and events. You can read about what’s coming up in this newsletter. We encourage industry members to lean on their peers for support at our Designated Sharing Time peer group. The Everyday Help section on our website provides additional tips and resources, and limited Navigator appointments are available for those looking for mental health information and resources.

This is a temporary and evolving situation, and we will share any updates in the next newsletter. In the meantime, could you give us a follow on social media? We post helpful and engaging content about all facets of our work every day! We value your understanding, patience, and kindness as we work to help our community members during these difficult days.

For more information, please visit the Actors Fund of Canada (AFC)

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ACTRA National Statement on the Violence in Gaza and Israel

ACTRA condemns in the strongest terms the brutal violence against innocent Israeli and Palestinian civilians and extends our deepest condolences to the families of the victims. 

While this conflict is taking place on the other side of the world, we are saddened to see people from these communities losing their sense of peace and security here at home; as fear, Islamophobia, anti-Semitism, and threats of violence loom. 

We stand with both the Palestinian and Israeli People in the hope that a peaceful solution can be found, which centers humanity and the basic human rights of all, regardless of religion, ethnicity, or nationality. 

To ACTRA members who may be in need of support or counselling at this challenging time, support is available through your AFBS benefits, or through the HAVEN Helpline ( To UBCP/ACTRA members, support resources can be found through Call Time Mental Health (


TORONTO (October 4, 2023) – L’alliance des artistes canadiens de la télévision et de la radio (ACTRA) et L’Union des artistes (UDA), qui représente les artistes interprètes œuvrant en français au Québec et ailleurs au Canada, sont solidaires et s’unissent dans leurs efforts respectifs visant à obtenir une rémunération et des conditions de travail justes et équitables pour leurs membres du secteur des annonces publicitaires.

« La relation entre nos deux syndicats n’a jamais été aussi importante compte-tenu de la dégradation des conditions des artistes interprètes à travers le monde. Nous sommes solidaires contre les entreprises cupides. » a déclaré Eleanor Noble, présidente de l’ACTRA nationale.

C’est lors d’une réunion du conseil d’administration de la Fédération international des acteurs (FIA), tenue à Istanbul la semaine dernière, que la solidarité entre les deux syndicats s’est officialisée.

« Nous menons le même combat. » souligne Tania Kontoyanni, présidente de l’UDA. « Nous travaillons en étroite collaboration afin d’assurer que les artistes-interprètes soient protégés par des ententes collectives renouvelées et qu’ils obtiennent une rémunération adéquate. »

Rappelons que, depuis 17 mois, l’Institut des agences canadiennes (ICA) tient les membres de l’ACTRA en lock-out et refuse systématiquement de négocier. En outre, il demande des concessions visant une diminution de la rémunération des artistes à une hauteur de 50 à 60 %.

De son côté, l’UDA attend impatiemment le retour de l’APC afin de conclure une entente de principe du secteur des annonces qui traine depuis 2015.

Les deux syndicats sont déterminés et continueront de lutter contre les tactiques anti-syndicales. Ils poursuivront la défense des intérêts des artistes interprètes qu’ils représentent afin qu’ils obtiennent une rémunération à la hauteur de leur contribution à la promotion des produits et services des grandes entreprises commerciales.

À propos de l’ACTRA:

L’ACTRA (L’alliance des artistes canadiens de la télévision et de la radio) est le syndicat national des artistes professionnels travaillant dans le domaine des médias enregistrés au Canada. L’ACTRA défend les intérêts de 28 000 membres à travers le pays – le fondement de la communauté professionnelle hautement acclamée au Canada.

À propos de l’UDA:

L’Union des artistes (UDA) est un syndicat professionnel qui représente 13 000 artistes de plusieurs disciplines œuvrant en français ou dans toute autre langue, sauf dans une production faite et exécutée en anglais et destinée principalement à un public de langue anglaise, au Québec et ailleurs au Canada.

Pour une entrevue :

Natalie Clancy, Directrice des affaires publiques et communications, ACTRA. Téléphone : 416 707-5794 – Email :

Mélodie Roy, Stratège en communications, UDA, Téléphone : 514 887-9356 – Email :

ACTRA and UDA strengthen alliance to protect performers

TORONTO (October 4, 2023) – The Alliance of Canadian Cinema, Television and Radio Artists (ACTRA) and the L’Union des artistes (UDA), which represents French speaking performers in Canada are pleased to announce we are joining forces to work together to fight for fair compensation and working conditions for members.

“The relationship between our two unions has never been more important given the unprecedented attacks on performers around the globe. We are standing together against corporate greed,” said Eleanor Noble, ACTRA National President.

The two unions met during the International Federation of Actors (FIA) Executive Board meetings last week in Istanbul.  

“We recognize that we are fighting the same battle,” said Tania Kontoyanni, UDA President. “Together we must defend and preserve our union contracts and jurisdiction and the ability for our members to make a living wage.”

ACTRA members have been locked out for 17 months by the Institute of Canadian Agencies (ICA) which has refused to bargain fairly and is demanding concessions that would slash performer rates between 50 to 60%.

For its part, UDA looks forward to the return of the APC in order to conclude an agreement for the advertising sector that has been expired since 2015.

Both unions are determined to push back in solidarity against union busting tactics and ensure performers are compensated for the value they bring to every brand and commercial production they work on in both languages.

About ACTRA:
ACTRA (Alliance of Canadian Cinema, Television and Radio Artists) is the national union of professional performers working in recorded media in Canada. ACTRA represents the interests of over 28,000 members across the country – the foundation of Canada’s highly acclaimed professional performing community.

About UDA:
The Union of Artists (UDA) is a professional union representing 13, 000 performing artists who work in French in Quebec and Canada, as well as all artists working in a language other than French and English in Quebec.

Media Contacts:
Carol Taverner, ACTRA National Public Relations Officer, Tel: 416-644-1519, Email:
Mélodie Roy, UDA Communications Strategist, Tel: 514-887-9356

International Federation of Actors joins ACTRA’s boycott of union-busting brands

ACTRA escalates boycott – targeting six multi-national brands

TORONTO (September 29, 2023) – The International Federation of Actors (FIA) and its affiliates in 70 countries around the world stand in solidarity with ACTRA performers in the fight to end the 521-day lockout by the advertising agencies represented by the Institute of Canadian Agencies (ICA).

“We know globally the advertising industry is attacking unions and the performers we represent,” said Gabrielle Carteris, FIA President. “FIA’s worldwide membership is calling out the unscrupulous corporations who are working with the ICA – refusing to negotiate fairly with performers – to maximize their own profits. This attack on ACTRA in Canada is an attack on all of us.”

At FIA’s Executive Committee meeting on September 29 in Istanbul, FIA’s board unanimously passed a resolution supporting locked out ACTRA performers in Canada and endorsed ACTRA’s expanding boycott of union busting brands. FIA’s Executive also supported unanimous motions in support of SAG-AFTRA members and the Actors Union of Turkey (AUT). “It has never been clearer that global corporate giants are determined to impoverish workers” said Marie Kelly, ACTRA National Executive Director and VP of FIA. “Now more than ever our unions must collaborate and share what we are doing at each of our bargaining tables.” 

ACTRA is now asking workers around the globe to not shop at six new international brands: Volkswagen, Visa, Lindt, Rakuten Kobo, John Frieda and Johnson & Johnson.

“FIA’s endorsement is elevating our boycott on an international level,” said Eleanor Noble, National President of ACTRA. “We appreciate FIA’s support for ACTRA’s boycott of brands that use ICA’s union busting ad agencies and we stand in full support of SAG-AFTRA’s battle for a fair, respectful and equitable agreement – as we do for the AUT’s fight for dubbing performers.”

Last week ACTRA members were appalled to learn the details of the disrespectful proposal from the ICA that would slash performer rates 50 to 60 percent.

For more than 60 years the NCA has guaranteed fair working conditions, benefits, and competitive pay for on-and off-camera English-language performers in commercial productions in Canada. The bargaining teams for the Association of Canadian Advertisers (ACA) and ACTRA have continued working together to preserve and stabilize the industry.

About FIA:

The International Federation of Actors (FIA) is a global federation of performers’ trade unions, guilds and professional associations. Founded in 1952, it represents several hundreds of thousands of performers with some 85 member organisations in 60 countries around the world.

About ACTRA:

ACTRA (Alliance of Canadian Cinema, Television and Radio Artists) is the national union of professional performers working in recorded media in Canada. ACTRA represents the interests of over 28,000 members across the country – the foundation of Canada’s highly acclaimed professional performing community.

Media Contacts:

Carol Taverner, ACTRA National Public Relations Officer, Tel: 416-644-1519, Email:

Anouk Van Den Bussche, FIA Head of Communications, Tel: +32 488 154914, Email:

FIA representatives from around the world don ACTRA t-shirts in a show of solidarity with ACTRA’s small delegation attending FIA’s Executive Committee meeting.

FIA representatives from around the world don ACTRA t-shirts in a show of solidarity with ACTRA’s small delegation attending FIA’s Executive Committee meeting.