TORONTO (November 8, 2023) – The Alliance of Canadian Cinema, Television and Radio Artists (ACTRA) congratulates SAG-AFTRA for reaching a tentative agreement with the Alliance of Motion Picture and Television Producers (AMPTP) after a 118-day long strike.

“SAG-AFTRA’s collective labour actions have shown the industry that performers will in fact fight in solidarity to get a fair deal for workers,” said Marie Kelly, ACTRA National Executive Director and Lead Negotiator. “We congratulate SAG-AFTRA for tackling issues performers are facing globally.”

SAG-AFTRA members have been on strike against the AMPTP since July 14, 2023. ACTRA members have been locked out from working on commercials by the Institute of Canadian Agencies (ICA) since April 26, 2022. ACTRA and SAG-AFTRA held two joint solidarity rallies in July and August in downtown Toronto to expose the advertising agencies, studios, and streamers for their corporate greed.

“We’ve been following SAG-AFTRA’s negotiations closely. Their issues are the same as our issues. Their fight is our fight,” said Eleanor Noble, ACTRA National President. “We look forward to learning the details of the tentative agreement with the AMPTP.”

ACTRA remains focused on ending the commercial lock-out by the Institute of Canadian Agencies (ICA). ACTRA appreciates SAG-AFTRA’s ongoing support of our boycott of union-busting brands.

About ACTRA:

ACTRA (Alliance of Canadian Cinema, Television and Radio Artists) is the national union of professional performers working in recorded media in Canada. ACTRA represents the interests of over 28,000 members across the country – the foundation of Canada’s highly acclaimed professional performing community.


Carol Taverner, ACTRA National Public Relations Officer:

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AFC Pauses Applications

ACTRA members,

The following is an update sent from AFC to members in their October Newsletter:

October 2023

We’re putting a temporary pause on accepting new applications for our Emergency Financial Aid Program. We’ve received hundreds of applications in the last few months and need to take some time to process them before we accept new applications again.

Since the strikes began in May 2023, we’ve received over 1,500 applications for emergency financial aid – almost triple the number of applications we would normally receive in an entire year! To date, we have funded over 800 applications and have approved $1.7 million in strike assistance.

We have pulled in additional resources to respond to the crisis that has affected thousands of Canadian film workers, and we are proud to have been there to help so many see their way through a dark time.

While the intake of new applications is on pause, we are not stopping or even slowing down our work at all. Our team is working diligently every day to resolve and fund the hundreds of applications that are currently awaiting review.

Rest assured, this is just a temporary pause in applications intake. As we power through reviewing existing applications, we continue offering valuable workshops and events. You can read about what’s coming up in this newsletter. We encourage industry members to lean on their peers for support at our Designated Sharing Time peer group. The Everyday Help section on our website provides additional tips and resources, and limited Navigator appointments are available for those looking for mental health information and resources.

This is a temporary and evolving situation, and we will share any updates in the next newsletter. In the meantime, could you give us a follow on social media? We post helpful and engaging content about all facets of our work every day! We value your understanding, patience, and kindness as we work to help our community members during these difficult days.

For more information, please visit the Actors Fund of Canada (AFC)

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Mediation fails to end lockout – Zoom Townhall

Hello ACTRA members,

We are deeply disappointed to be sharing that the mediator has determined that the parties are too far apart to meaningfully continue the mediation process. This means the confidentiality requirement and media blackout is paused. With the help of the mediator, we were finally able to force the ICA to provide an on the record proposal that we will share with the membership.

Please join us on a Zoom townhall on Thursday, September 21st at 5 pm ET , 2 pm PT, 3 pm MT, 4 pm CT, 6 pm AT, and 6:30 NT.

We will share the ICA’s disrespectful proposal to gut the NCA and their intention to slash rates below those in the non-union commercial sector. 

We urge all members to register for the Webinar using your ACTRA membership number here:

We look forward to speaking with you.

In Solidarity, 
ACTRA National NCA Bargaining Committee

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Locked out “Voice of Wendys” actor calls out CEO’s Corporate Greed

“An attack on any of us is an attack on all of us” says locked out actor Jonah Hundert, at our joint SAG-AFTRA rally in Toronto September 9, 2023. The former “voice of Wendy’s” actor says it’s disgusting that the CEO of Wendy’s, Todd A. Penegor, earns $10 million a year while ACTRA members who work on commercials only earn $5200 a year. “We must all stand together against  this rising culture of cruelty and greed.”

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MEDIA ADVISORY: ACTRA & SAG-AFTRA hold joint solidarity rally

image of two people with the text "Duncan Crabtree Ireland, National Executive Director & Chief Negotiator, SAG-AFTRA" and "Eleanor Noble, President, ACTRA National"

Tomorrow the Alliance of Canadian Cinema Television Radio Artists (ACTRA) and the Screen Actors Guild – American Federation of Television and Radio Artists (SAG-AFTRA) will hold a joint rally outside the Canadian headquarters of Amazon and Apple in Toronto to protest corporate greed that is diminishing the livelihoods of their members.  

ACTRA performers have been shamefully locked out from working on commercials through our National Commercial Agreement (NCA) by the Institute of Canadian Agencies Institute of Canadian Agencies (ICA) for 500 days now.  

SAG-AFTRA members have been on strike against the Alliance of Motion Picture and Television Producers (AMPTP) since July 14, 2023.

“ACTRA and SAG-AFTRA stand together in solidarity against the corporate greed of studios, streamers and advertising agencies who are raking in huge profits off the backs of performers in both the US and Canada,” said Eleanor Noble, ACTRA National President.  

“The future of entertainment and advertising depends on the performers whose work drives these industries. Now is the time for these employers to come to the table to negotiate fair deals that respect the contributions of all performers in the US and Canada,” said SAG-AFTRA National Executive Director and Chief Negotiator Duncan Crabtree-Ireland, who will join Noble and ACTRA and SAG-AFTRA members at the rally. 

WHEN:              11 am ET,  Saturday, September 9, 2023 

WHERE:            Amazon & Apple Headquarters: 120 Bremner Blvd, Toronto

WHO:               Duncan Crabtree-Ireland, Eleanor Noble, Marie Kelly and union members

Broadcast: The rally will be streamed live on ACTRA National’s Facebook Page or @ACTRANational on Instagram and @sagaftra on Instagram.

ACTRA is the union representing 28,000 performers in Canada. The National Commercial Agreement (NCA) has guaranteed fair working conditions, benefits, and competitive pay for on-and off-camera performers in commercial productions in Canada. 

SAG-AFTRA represents more than 160,000 actors, broadcasters and recording artists. On July 14, SAG-AFTRA called a STRIKE against the AMPTP companies with whom it bargains its TV/Theatrical/Streaming agreement. With national offices in Los Angeles and New York, and local offices nationwide, SAG-AFTRA members work together to secure strong protections for their members.

For more information, video, photos or to schedule an interview contact:  
Natalie Clancy, ACTRA National: 
Pamela Greenwalt, SAG-AFTRA
or Stacey Roche, SAG-AFTRA:

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Happy Labour Day, ACTRA Members!

Black and white graphic that reads: Happy Labour Day, Thank you for a #hotlaboursummer, and the logo ACTRA at the bottom

Dear members, 

This Labour Day will mark the 496th day ACTRA has been shamefully locked out by the Institute of Canadian Advertisers (ICA). Our sibling unions across the border, SAG-AFTRA and the WGA, are on strike. Our industry is at a crucial moment in time. Workers’ rights and the power of collective mobilization is more important than ever. 

Since April 26, 2022, ACTRA members have come together, raising our voices in solidarity with other unions across Canada at rallies and on picket lines, standing as one against corporate greed. 

Labour Day is a time to appreciate and honour the work of those before us, who fought for fair wages and the safe working conditions we have today. And we carry on that fight.  

I encourage you to attend any Labour Day events near you. You may also visit the Canadian Labour Congress (CLC) website for an evolving list of activities across the country.

Union Power – Union Strong, 

Eleanor Noble 

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Solidarity has no borders. This is what solidarity looks like as ACTRA hosts a rally outside Amazon headquarters. Thank you to all the unions who joined us to stand up to greedy agencies, studios and streamers. End the strikes! End the shameful 16 month ICA lockout of ACTRA performers.

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TOMORROW: Solidarity Rallies this Friday in Toronto and Vancouver

Graphic with photos of three people. Text reads "Join us in solidarity tomorrow" at the top, and the titles and names of each person: "Michelle Hurd, VP Sag-Aftra National, LA", "Eleanor Noble, President, ACTRA National" and "David Gale, President, ACTRA Toronto"

Hello ACTRAvists:

A reminder to join us at two rallies tomorrow in support of striking SAG-AFTRA and WGA members, on day 486 of the shameful lockout of ACTRA performers by the ICA.

SAG-AFTRA National Vice President, Los Angeles, Michelle Hurd will join Noble and many other high profile ACTRA Members and union leaders in downtown Toronto to push back on corporate greed of advertising agencies, studios, and streamers who refuse to bargain fairly.


WHEN:              10 am ET Friday August 25, 2023
WHERE:            Amazon and Apple Headquarters: 120 Bremner Blvd, Toronto, ON
(Directly southwest of Union Station)


WHEN:              11 am PT Friday August 25, 2023
WHERE:            Vancouver Art Gallery, 750 Hornby Street

For those who can’t make it in person, you can still participate by watching the live streams on social media. Watch the Toronto rally live on ACTRA National’s Facebook Page or Instagram account, and watch the Vancouver rally live on UBCP/ACTRA’s Instagram page. Please share the live streams, like, and comment to show your solidarity.

Note the “Going Dark” boycott of Meta ends tonight at midnight.

In case you missed it, CLICK HERE to watch a compilation video of Tuesday’s pickets at Wendy’s in Toronto, Montreal, and Vancouver.

NOTE: Toronto members, please follow any instructions from our rally monitors who will be wearing ACTRA hats and high visibility vests. BC members, please look out for union staff on site if you have any questions. Please do not interact with police, instead refer them to staff or rally monitors.

See you tomorrow!

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ACTRA Members picket Wendy’s in Toronto, Montreal, and Vancouver

The voice actor who served as the “VOICE” of Wendy’s for five years joined fellow ACTRA members in Toronto, Montreal and Vancouver this week to picket several Wendy’s locations and convince consumers to stop supporting this union busting brand. Wendy’s ad agency, McCann, is one of many who have been greedily locking ACTRA members out of commercial work for 16 months now.
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